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SpecialitySenior physiotherapy consultant
DegreesM A in Health care administration & Management (U.K)
Experience 37 years of Experience
Description Completed 3 Year Physiotherapy education from New Delhi-1980 Licence Physiotherapist in Norway,1983
SpecialityNeurology & Cardio Pulmonary
DegreesMPT, MBA H. M, Ph.D
Experience35 years of Experience
Description Worked 15 years in Indian Air Force Hospitals and total having 35 years in clinical and Academic Experience in various hospitals and Colleges.
SpecialityPhysiotherapy, Naturopathy & Yoga
DegreesGraduate Diploma in (sports) Physiotherapy, Yoga and Naturopathy
Experience40 years of Experience
Description Diploma in sports physiotherapy, Diploma in Yoga, Diploma in Naturopathy and Yoga
SpecialityLegal Advisor
DegreesBA, LLB, LLM
Expertise Civil, Criminal, Matrimonial, Corporate Property Cases
Description Practising Advocate At Supreme court, Delhi High Court, Distt Courts Delhi, Tribunals etc.
DISSERTATIONDissertation done in Partial fulfillment of the award of M.P.T on the topic of “A comparative study to find out the effects of capsular stretching over muscle energy technique in the management of frozen shoulder.”
DegreesM.P.T. Ortho- from ADHUNIK INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION & RESEARCH GHAZIABAD affiliated to CH. CHARAN SINGH UNIVERSITY, MEERUT. B.P.T from SANTOSH MEDICAL COLLEGE & HOSPITAL, Managed by Maharaja Educational trust, affiliated to CH. CHARAN SINGH UNIVERSITY, MEERUT. CLASS XII In the year 2003, from U.P Board of education. CLASS X In the year 2001 From U.P Board of Education.
Experience ● Consultant Physiotherapist at Ortho- Neuro Physiotherapy Clinic, Ghaziabad. ● Consultant Physiotherapist at Prayag Hospital & Research Centre, Noida. ● Consultant Physiotherapist at Subhash poly Clinic, Ghaziabad. ● Assistant physiotherapist at Abhay Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre, Aligarh ● Physiotherapist at Arihant Home & Physiotherapy Centre, Aligarh ● Consultant Physiotherapist at Sumitra Hospital, Noida ● Advance Physiotherapy & rehabilitation Centre, Greater Noida. ● Senior Consultant Physiotherapist at Sports and Physio Hub. Gurugram
Professional Qualification: ● MBA(Health Care Management) from SGV university jaipur in Pursuing. ● PGPM from Eurresian Management Administration School Moscow Russia . ● Diploma in Physiotherapy from State medical Faculty Lucknow in 2014.
Experience is Currently working..... 1. Founder of Pain free india physiotherapy at home 2. Sports Physiotherapist in YLSC. Gurgaon 3. Bharat football Academy Gurgaon Sector 56 gurgaon.
Ex. Physiotherapist 1.Metro hospital heart center gurgaon palam vihar Gurgaon 2.Physio health concept sector 28 gurgaon. 3.Columbia Asia hospital Gurgaon Current working in sector 23 gurgaon